
Detox During Pregnancy: Types, Risks And Safety Concerns

You may have been using substances to self-soothe past trauma, co-occurring mental health disorders, or other emotional pain. Alcohol and drug use has become a way to cope and it has also changed your brain’s reward system, making it very difficult to quit without professional help. A dual diagnosis treatment center helps you address the mental, physical, and emotional aspects of addiction simultaneously.

  1. Addiction Resource is an educational platform for sharing and disseminating information about addiction and substance abuse recovery centers.
  2. Contingency management (the use of variable rewards for having negative urine toxicology) has been shown as useful in the treatment of people with stimulant use and other substance disorders.
  3. People in withdrawal from xylazine experience heightened anxiety and general discomfort.
  4. Talking to a healthcare provider is of immense importance and should be prioritized before starting any detox program.
  5. Prescribed stimulants include methylphenidate (Ritalin® and Concerta®) and amphetamines (Adderall® and Dexedrine®).

Make sure you stop whatever detox program you’re running as well; you don’t want to exacerbate the issue while you wait for an appointment. Many vitamins, nutrients, and drugs have alternative names that come up in supplements all the time. Guarana is a seed included in supplements and energy drinks, but the primary active ingredient in guarana is caffeine. This happens constantly with all manner of different nutrients and chemicals, so always research the ingredients in your detox before you take it. Talk with your healthcare provider about how you’re feeling and if you’d like a referral to mental health support.

Harm reduction is a radical change from the way society has historically responded to substance use. Harm reduction is the idea that since we cannot completely eliminate risk and harm, we should do our best to minimize these effects. Most of the problems our society links with drug use are not caused by use.

Can You Detox While Pregnant?

This can lead to depression, mood swings, cravings, insomnia, irritability, or suicidal thoughts. In some cases, high salt intake can often lead to complications like high blood pressure. Highly processed foods are rich in sodium like canned foods, soups, and boxed grained dishes. They are generally rich in ingredients that you shouldn’t have in your diet like salt, fat, sugar, calories, and less of the nutrients and vitamins that you should have in your food. This is when you should be most concerned about your health, as your health directly affects your baby’s health. You should try to get rid of this as soon as you can during your pregnancy.

How to Detox Drugs Out of Your System While Pregnant

These additional factors, coupled with hormonal and physical changes in pregnancy, can be dangerous. Oxygen deprivation to the fetus can result in birth defects or even be fatal. Yet withdrawal symptoms can be uncomfortable, painful, and may cause distress to the mother or fetus. Detoxing off drugs or alcohol while pregnant acetaminophen and alcohol is possible, but should be closely monitored by medical professionals. Living a healthy lifestyle and keeping up with your doctor’s appointments will ensure that your baby is happy and healthy inside the womb. You are more likely to have a healthy baby if you take proper precautions and maintain a healthy diet.

Consult With A Healthcare Provider

This can be a complicated process and you will definitely need professional help. It is true that some drugs are more harmful to an unborn child than others are. Moreover, how they affect your unborn baby will usually depend on alcohol and opiates the type of drug you were using, how heavily you used it, and how long you have been using for. Speak to a midwife or consultant at your local maternity hospital to find out what your chances are of having a healthy baby.

Eating healthy means eating foods that are natural and minimally processed with no additives or preservatives. Here are some detox foods that can help you to get rid of toxins in the body while you are pregnant. You should be aware that continuing to abuse drugs while pregnant could affect your unborn baby. The quicker you get clean, the better it will be for both you and your child. Undergoing detox programs while pregnant is possible but you need to approach with utmost caution.

Much of the research that has been conducted on pregnant people who use drugs is problematic. It is difficult to determine if a single behavior or or drug causes a poor outcome. Using evidence-based recovery care and pairing it with additional resources and support, pregnant people can often experience positive results. Our writers and reviewers are experienced professionals in medicine, addiction treatment, and healthcare. AddictionResource fact-checks all the information before publishing and uses only credible and trusted sources when citing any medical data.

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